Friday, July 5, 2013

Nub mark removal and panel lining tutorial

Hello everyone! My friend, Raiku541, just got into gunpla and I decided to start posting picture tutorials for him.
Today I'll be doing a tutorial on how to remove pieces from the runner or tree and the method I use to remove the nub marks. Also, I'll be showing one of the many methods of panel lining.
I'll be using a piece from my RG Destiny Gundam kit because it's one of the only things I have access to at this very moment.

What you need are a pair of side cutters, a modeling knife and various grit sandpaper. I have 2 kinds of grit, a lower grit for flattening and a higher grit for smoothing out.
When I clip the pieces off the tree, I don't cut too close to the part because if you get too close you might deform the plastic which can affect the part.
After cutting the part off, there should be excess plastic on it. This is called a nub and you wanna get rid of them.
When using the modeling knife, don't dig too deep into the part, try leaving a tiny bit of excess plastic or else you might cut too deep and the part will look deformed.
After slicing off some of the excess plastic, use the sandpaper to shave down the excess plastic and then smooth it out with lower grit sandpaper. 
When everything is done, it should look like this but better because I'm bad with removing nub marks. 

Panel Lining Tutorial:
Tools: Panel lining Gundam Marker or any thin tipped felt and an eraser.
I don't use this method anymore but I found it really easy to learn and not as much work as using Real Touch markers. Also, panel lining a 1/144 kit is pretty hard when it's not Real Touch, maybe I'll do a tutorial for that later on.
Apply the marker like you're filing in a crevasse with water. Just go back and forth on the indented spots on the part.
With Gundam Markers, it's really easy to clean up the marker. Just use a normal white eraser and rub perpendicular to the lines and the excess ink comes right off.

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